Colin Booth has just given me CDs to sell for him: A lovely recording of 'The Goldberg Variations', and his new 'Grounds for Pleasure' recording made on an 17th Century, 'Celini' harpsichord which he bought through 'The Number 1 Harpsichord Agency' last year!
On the way to the show I have a harpsichord kit to drop off at the Collingwood Studios and hopefully room for a spinet and the Concert V Zuckermann, which I'm keen for you all to try.

Come down to Greenwich on the boat that leaves from the London Eye - it's the best way to travel. You'll arrive in just the right frame of mind to buy something lovely, either from me, the Early Music Shop, or one of the many other exhibitors! ...and if you have some free time, I could always do with a hand on my stand.
Let me know if you can help. 07733619002.